Celebrating 20 Years!
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Today's Market Data
Meet our custom OpenAI Data Guru!
We trained Sparky as an expert in data science history.

Here's a fun fact, compliments of Sparky:
"In 2016, Google's DeepMind AI algorithm, AlphaGo, defeated world champion Go player Lee Sedol. This event underscored the importance of machine learning and data analytics in solving complex problems that were previously thought to be the exclusive domain of human intelligence. In the same vein, "Pokemon Go" had players scouring the real world for virtual creatures, both AlphaGo and Pokemon Go breaking new ground in artificial intelligence and augmented reality, respectively."

9Ware's Mission is To Maximize our Clients' Productivity and Profitability

Extensive Technical and Business Expertise
Premium Solutions with a Practical Approach
Small Firm Agility with Large Firm Experience
Some Fun Side Projects